Saturday 8 November 2014

Media ,the brainwasher?

When everything we know has been defined by one medium whatever another person  says may seem to be a lie.Until we get exposed to another truth we cannot think otherwise and readjust our thinking.This could mean that being open to new information can be quite challenging amd beneficial at the same time. However, it is always wise to analyse the content and context  of the information we digest.For instance when you watch CNN and they say Mr.X is responsible for the killing of Mr.Y the first thing we do if not believe without questioning is sharing the information.

what I'm trying to say is when all you know is through newspapers; TV ; radio or social media,  that means that's all you receive from that media that you tend to believe.
That said, have you ever wondered that information  is controlled ? If so then someone is pulling the strings of your knowledge and influences your decisions , what you buy eat what brand you wear what you do on a Saturday or Sunday.

Therefore, it is not a surprise that almost everyone is acting alike.we call it trend when the master pulls a string all of us marionettes make the same move.

what we need is to be sober and vigilant toward what we consume as information who we follow.Above all we need the truth in who we are not all of us have lost hope and just wait for doomsday.

stop being brainwashed you shouldn't believe everything you see, believe what you tell yourself , sometimes break free from TV or cellphones , Ipod and so forth.It will do you good no need to keep up with anyone keep up with yourself being absolutely free is the type of message we want to share through anymeans possible.

check our absolute freedom tshirts on Facebook feel free to like us or drop a comment or suggestion if you wish.Be free

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