Tuesday 17 June 2014

About racial Identity

Today while browsing through the Internet I stumbled upon an old Malcom X's videos ( link at the bottom),listening to the content of his speech, I felt terribly infuriated,ashamed both at myself and a little at my parents for the type of name most of us carry:Phillips,John,Patrick,Deo...This excludes all African whites and coloured who may have a justification of carrying that type of names. As an African,my authenticity comes with my identity and that includes my name,my culture,my music and so forth. Sadly,some of us have lost all of these.

How have we ended up here ? In case you don't know where we are,we are far deep in a European mindset that has deprived us of our real identity ,furthermore keeps taking away the little of Africanism we have left.It is so bad that some of us while looking in the mirror see no reflect at all.I'll put some light by using the example of language,many of us will spend days of training to adopt an English or french accent in order to sound "educated" but are unable to speak in their own mother tongues.Actually,Ill go far to say that some of us have no mother tongue at all left...Has colonisation really taken all we had? NO and NO we gave it all away,we became slaves when we accepted to silently renounce to who we are " Africans".Don't confuse what I'm saying whether you are black,white African or coloured you live in a land that has a rich history and beautiful culture.You are here,you feed from it,you drink from it,you will be probably buried in it if not incinerated.

So tell me how can you not love its culture and still live from its resources? when I mention love, it has nothing to do with displaying a proudly African tattoo or sharing a picture of elephants and Amarula fruits with a sunset background on your Facebook page.I mean the way you represent yourself wherever you go around the world, i will be happy one day to see whites,blacks and coloured wear an African attire and proudly walk in the streets. How many of us probably including myself avoid to wear an African attire? HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY?

We are ashamed of ourselves,of our history worse of our identity.The very inheritance this continent has gave us just because some people long ago told your ancestor it is wrong to eat with his hands,today your soul and body believes these words without questioning.Until we go back and look in the mirror,decide to preserve and promote the bit of culture we have left..Get ready to identify yourself as a slave again SLAVERY AIN'T FINISHED,it has just changed appearance

In case you wonder what to do? do something as little as you can and that means natural hair for our women,"STOP BLEACHING HEY!!",proud and real African men.African musicians,presidents,leaders,wearing their identity wherever they go. MUTU NA MUTU OYO YA YE
meanwhile...LA PLI BEL ANBA LA BAY

Malcom X link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENHP89mLWOY

PS: Many will judge,but instead of judging each other do something if you think you can do better and lets take back our Absolute freedom.

If you like the idea,help me get more awareness and like the page 

Sunday 15 June 2014

Are we lost?

Sometimes i wake up and wonder if everyone sees what i see the first minute i open my door,i guess i will never know what they see but i see potential and possibilities,infinite amount of Hope for the next generation to come.Yes the next generation but not this one,not if we continue doing things this way.

The generation before TV,ipods,iphones,internet etc..was a generation of men and women able to bring change to their communities and countries,we counted a greater number of national heroes than we could count presidents today.Unfortunately,its all in the past,the sense of leadership,real men and women,freemen.Today,they have all become rappers and prostitutes,robbers and gangsters;or billionaires.

Actually,imaginary billionaires spending the little of their miserable salaries to fulfill their Samsung flat screen TV dream,caught up in illusion,neglecting education,consuming alcohol and drugs.Yes,it is called : slow motion suicide "fun" don't get it twisted having a good time when it is deserved after hard work has nothing to do with resuming the book of your life into few lines "modern slavery".

While you are fed with entertainment and alcohol,your future presidents,ministers,bosses or religious leader are at Harvard,Oxford,Uct etc... studying the strategies and means of how to use your uninformed brain to believe the lies and deceptions they will have to tell tomorrow.


If you don't do something about it,your children will be the next "protesters" asking for freedom when nobody put them into jail or stopped them from obtaining education.Yes,no one can stop you getting education,you don't have to go to school to learn.I'm not saying no one should go to school,I'm talking about those cannot afford it,there is another option " self education".
This world needs more activists,people able to protest from their houses,from their cellphones 

Anonymously,Absolutely free # 921

PS: Do something and check out what i'm doing follow this link
